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Ion chromatography (IC) is used to measure concentrations of major anions in water chemistry (cave dripwater, stream and spring, and rain event) analysis.


Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) measures trace element concentrations of solids (in-situ) attached to a laser (LA-ICP-MS) or diluted water samples attached to a quadrupole (ICP-Q-MS). I have analyzed trace element (Mg, Ba, Sr, Fe, Cu, Zn) concentrations of modern stalagmites, cave calcite precipitate on plates, cave dripwaters and spring and stream waters. A Multicollector-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) measures isotopic ratios of Uranium and Thorium that are used in stalagmite geochronology. I have prepared and analyzed tropical stalagmites for Uranium and Thorium ratios using a Neptune MC-ICP-MS.


Isotope Ration Mass Spectroscopy (IRMS) has the capacity to measure stable isotopic compositions of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen to name a few. I have prepared, analyzed a panoply of carbonate (stalagmites, corals, forams, paleosols) and water (cave dripwater, stream and spring water) samples with a Thermo Scientific MAT 253 IRMS attached to a KIEL IV, KIEL III, Gas Bench, and TCEA.



Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial.


Published in Earth System Science Data, 2018

Recommended citation: Atsawawanunt, K, L. Comas-Bru, S. A. Mozhdehi, M. Deininger, S. P. Harrison, A. Baker, and SISAL Working Group Members (2019). "The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems." Earth System Science Data.





Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant, UT Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, 2016

Taught two - three sections (15 - 20 students per section) of major and non-major geology undergraduate labs per week. Duties included grading assignments, leading lab discussions, and updating teaching slides.

Guest Instructor

Guest Instructor, UT Austin, Department of Geography and the Environment, 2018

Wrote a lesson plan for instructors at institutes of higher education to teach pertinent climate change topics using the example of the Maya Lowlands. Lesson plan is published online and available to the public. The results were published in Journal of Geography in Higher Education. The lesson plan was tested over two semesters where I was the guest instructor.

Field Assistant Instructor

Field Assistant Instructor, UT Austin, Environmental Science Institute, 2018

Duties including organizing field trips at a local and state level for 30 students, ordering gear for each field trip, updating field seminar assignments with co-field teaching assistant and Professors, driving vans and suburbans with students, leading coastal ecology field trips on R/V Katy based at the Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas. Class aimed at junior and senior environmental science majors.