Lab Work


Isotope Ration Mass Spectroscopy (IRMS) has the capacity to measure stable isotopic compositions of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen to name a few. I have prepared, analyzed a panoply of carbonate (stalagmites, corals, forams, paleosols) and water (cave dripwater, stream and spring water) samples with a Thermo Scientific MAT 253 IRMS attached to a KIEL IV, KIEL III, Gas Bench, and TCEA.


Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) measures trace element concentrations of solids (in-situ) attached to a laser (LA-ICP-MS) or diluted water samples attached to a quadrupole (ICP-Q-MS). I have analyzed trace element (Mg, Ba, Sr, Fe, Cu, Zn) concentrations of modern stalagmites, cave calcite precipitate on plates, cave dripwaters and spring and stream waters. A Multicollector-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) measures isotopic ratios of Uranium and Thorium that are used in stalagmite geochronology. I have prepared and analyzed tropical stalagmites for Uranium and Thorium ratios using a Neptune MC-ICP-MS.


Ion chromatography (IC) is used to measure concentrations of major anions in water chemistry (cave dripwater, stream and spring, and rain event) analysis.